Dalian Customs Quarantines 785 Racing Pigeons from Europe


On August 5, totally 785 racing pigeons from Belgium and other European countries passed through 30 days of entry quarantine at Changxingdao Customs House in Dalian Customs District. These racing pigeons, all in good health, will join in the China-hosted World Championship 2019 of the Federation Colombophile Internationale.


According to the Customs authority, as pigeon racing is popular as an emerging competitive entertainment, China keeps importing a large number of pigeons from European countries every year for racing and breeding.  


In line with the protocol of quarantine on Belgian racing pigeons, the Customs officers conducted whole-process escort and control over the pigeons, including clinical observation and tests, during the quarantine period.



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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730