With commitment to improving business climate and policy support, Shenzhen Customs District has been promoting the certification on origin of export goods and helping exporters to gain duty reliefs at abroad. In the first half 2019, this Customs District provided Shenzhen-based exporters with Certificates of Origin (C/O) totaling 190,000 pieces, involving 34.14 billion yuan worth of goods, which enabled the exporters to enjoy duty relief, about 1.71 billion yuan in total, from the countries/regions of imports.
OMRON Shenzhen Ltd., a high-tech company of semiconductor products, found it difficult to convert huge product-development cost into original product value. Regarding this problem, Shenzhen Customs assigned a team of experts to calculate the non-original value of the company’s products (sensors, relays, connectors and other ICs) and make pre-assessment on its exports to South Korea, making them compliant with the origin rules under China-Korea Free Trade Agreement so as to gain import-duty relief provided by South Korea. In the first half year, OMRON Shenzhen received 97 pieces of C/O under China-Korea FTA, involving 72.868 million yuan worth of goods, and saved a duty amount of 4,816,000 yuan.
Additionally, Shenzhen Customs has achieved online processing and self-help printing of export C/O. By statistics, in the first half year, local exporters printed by themselves 36,000 pieces of C/O, involving 4.84 billion yuan worth of goods.
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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China
Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China Postcode: 100730