Info on Integrated Declaration Items under Customs-Quarantine Integration

In accordance with the GACC’s uniform arrangement, from August 1st this year, Customs Declaration form and Quarantine Declaration form for import/export goods will be integrated into one form of Customs Declaration. This integration of declaration items, as the iconic reforming measure during customs-quarantine integration, will change the original declaration procedures and operation mode of enterprises, with both customs declaration and quarantine declaration made in just “one bigger sheet of form”.


The following are the details of the integrated declaration items:


Main Contents

The integration of declaration items refers to collating the items of both original Customs Declaration and Quarantine Declaration, so as to integrate them for enterprises into “one sheet of declaration form, one set of accompanying certificates/documents, one set of parameter codes, and one declaration system”. Meanwhile, GACC Announcements including Guidlines for Import and Export Declaration, Format of Import and Export Declaration Form, Format of Declaration Form for Special Customs Control Zones, Format of Electronic Message for Import and Export Declaration form will be formulated and promulgated.  

1. Integration of data items between original Customs Declaration and Quarantine Declaration

In light of the opinions from relevant ministries, customs broker associations and customs brokerage firms, and in the principle of “lawfulness, compliance and simplification”, original customs and quarantine declaration items will be collated by integration of common items and deletion of seldom-used items so as to reduce original 229 items to 105 items in total, thus making the double declaration greatly simplified.

2. Integration of original Customs Declaration and Quarantine Declaration into one sheet of new form

After the integration, the new form of Customs Declaration will be based on 48 items of original Customs Declaration and added with part of Quarantine Declaration items to become a new print format that contains 56 items. The Import/Export Declaration and Entry/Exit Registration List will be optimized in layout structure, with vertical layout changed into horizontal layout, thus closer to internationally recommended pattern; all paper certificates/documents will be printed in the general mode instead of set printing, and blank forms will not be printed anymore; their revised formats will be put into use from August 1st, 2018, along with repeal and cease of original forms of Customs Declaration, Registration List and Quarantine Declaration.

3. Integration of two sets of accompanying certificates/documents into one set

The certificates/documents accompanying original Customs Declaration and Quarantine Declaration will be integrated and simplified by collation of the certificate/document codes and declaration requirements, with repetitious submissions integrated, so as to provide uniform standards for accompanying certificates/documents declaration.  

4. Integration of original Customs Declaration parameters and Quarantine Declaration parameters into one set of parameter codes

As per international standards, existing parameter codes of original Customs and Quarantine Declarations will be collated and integrated, with 8 common parameter codes unified as country (region) code, port code, currency code, transport mode code, regulatory mode code, measure unit code, package type code, and container specification code.

5. Integration of two original declaration systems into one system

On the basis of integrated declaration items, original systems for customs declaration and quarantine declaration respectively have been integrated into one uniform system, which can be accessed through “Internet + Customs” or “International Trade Single Window” platform. In line with integrated declaration contents, the new system has made relevant adjustment over original declaration items, parameters and accompanying certificates/documents.

Integration Principle

In line with Central Government arrangement for organizational reform, the GACC is implementing customs-quarantine integration under the framework of nationwide clearance integration in the principle of “overall integration combined with smooth transition, strict control combined with procedural simplification, security assurance combined with process facilitation, and risk prevention combined with enhancement in sense of gain”; regarding the declaration process for enterprises, the Customs authority will further reduce declaration items by consulting international standards and observing best practices so as to achieve the unification of certificate/document formats, standardization of codes and integration of declaration systems.


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General Administration of Customs of the People's Republic of China

Address: No.6. Jianguomennei Avenue, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China        Postcode: 100730